Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween

Rob and I had so much fun hosting our friends for Halloween last year we decided to do so again.  After the trick-or-treaters made their way around our neighborhood we opened our doors to a great group of friends for some Halloween fun. 

The decor....spiderwebs, bones, cauldrons, and my favorite - floating ceiling candles that I made from toilet paper rolls and tea lights strung on fishing line.

The Treats...

The Costume Contest...Funniest (Hawaiian Punch), Most Creative (Rock, Paper, Scissors), and Dynamic Duo (Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote).  These are so much fun to make and incredibly affordable.  Just a few skeletons from the Dollar Store, a coat of gold spray paint, some hot glue to pose them, a few fun props and whala! - custom trophies!

The costumes...Rob and I decided to go with something "pop" culture this year and landed on the idea of Share A Coke cans.  After a trip to the fabric store, hunting down a few hula hoops, and a little help from a local screen printer, we were pleased to bring our personalized cans to life!

Charlie Brown and Snoopy (with my future nephew in tow!)

Fall - very fitting for the Halloween season

Hawaiian clever!

Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote....I mean, seriously?? This homemade costume deserves a round of applause!

Rock, Paper, Scissors - so perfect for a group of three!

Now if only we could all remember the clever ideas we come up with throughout the year but swear we will remember the next time October comes around. I'm going to have to write my ideas down throughout the year so I can compete with the incredibly creative ideas my friends come up with!  

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Craft Retreat

Eight months ago I was thrilled to finally have some closet space in our apartment dedicated to my craft supplies. Today, I'm lucky enough to call an entire room my craft retreat.  Our new home came along with a 'bonus' room in the basement.  It's a small room off the main basement living area that could be used as an extra bedroom or workout space, but Rob has kindly forgo any of his plans so I could make it my own.

I knew that I wanted tons of storage with room to grow my stash, a high table so I can stand while I work without killing my back, and I wanted to keep the cost minimal.

For the table I used bookcases from Target and a board and trim from Lowe's. We actually already owned the shelving unit and were using it for storage in the garage, but after a little reorganization, I was able to free it up.

The room also has a closet - the perfect place to hang fabric.

What did it cost? Here is the breakdown:
     - Small shelf for table - $17
     - Tall shelf for table - $26
     - Board for table - $20
     - Trim for table - $12
     - Paint for table - $3
     - Storage shelf - FREE (already owned)
     - Colored cubes and bins - $50

     Total = $128

I'm really looking forward to creating in this new space!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Baby Shower

I had the pleasure of hosting a baby shower for one of my dearest friends as she awaits her first child's arrival, a daughter.  It was a blast putting together a special day to welcome who I'm sure will be one of my favorite little girls ever. It was a fun Sunday morning of brunch, games, and gifts.

The menu...

The beverages...

The activities...

Guests were asked to create their best guess of what the little princess will look like using pieces of pictures of mommy, daddy, and even her big sister- the cat...

...guess her stats....height, weight, birth date, etc...

...and place her 'face' alongside their predictions in a scrapbook.

We made headbands for her little noggin...

...and each authored a page in an ABC book.

What an exciting chapter that is beginning.  I'm seeing more and more expecting announcements online, and baby shower invites on my refrigerator than wedding invitations these days.  My group of lady friends is starting to turn a new page and this little nugget is one of the first leading the way! So thrilled to meet this little lady come October! 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Appetite for Service

Although I was MIA from the blog for a few months, I have to highlight an event I was part of this past spring. While in Cedar Falls, I was a Board Member for the Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley, and had the honor of being the co-chair to plan the organization's annual fundraiser, Appetite for Service.

Our committee collaborated for months to pull together enticing auction items and recruit table sponsors to culminate in this terrific evening at Sunnyside Country Club in Waterloo.  I was fortunate to have the support of my supervisor and co-workers at SCHEELS to purchase a table and join me to support the volunteer center. Each table is encouraged to design their table (and dress!) around a theme.  We decided on Scrabble for ours. I made over-sized letters for each of us to wear around our necks with wood, ribbon and vinyl letters. Double-sided, the letters spelled out 'VOLUNTEER' and 'CF SCHEELS.'

Working in the event world, I've attended and have helped organize many fundraisers, but Appetite for Service is by far the most unique one I've encountered yet. Sure, there is a nice dinner and an auction, but this event has a twist.  Each business who sponsors a table is asked to provide someone (usually a CEO or manager) to "serve" the table of guests in hopes to take home the coveted "Silver Tray of Service Award." The winner is whoever collects the most 'funny money' tips.  Upon arrival, guests have the opportunity to purchase 'funny money' (much like monopoly money) to tip the servers. Servers can earn their tips the traditional way, or by getting a little creative - its common for a server to steal another table's silverware and demand tips for its return.

It was a wonderful experience and an awesome way to serve my community.  In total, we raised over $30,000. 

A few photos of some of my other favorite tables...