Thursday, January 9, 2014

30 Before 30

My name is Jillian Miller and I am a compulsive list maker. I’m serious, I graduated with a degree in Psychology….and diagnosed myself here. J
There is something about striking a line through a task that is so rewarding – sometimes more satisfying than completing the task itself.  The Notes app on my phone is filled with lists for groceries, items to buy on my next trip to the craft store, books to read – things that I think of when a pen and paper aren’t handy. At work, my desk and the perimeter of my computer screen are full of Post-it notes. It isn’t unusual to catch me writing a list of what to accomplish over the weekend (including lines to eat lunch and shower), or adding something to my list that I have already done just to cross it off.
I am not the only one with this obsession and know many female friends who have the same urge (must not be a "man" thing). Now, although my lists keep me organized, what I am drawing my pen over is generally pretty menial and doesn’t hold many accomplishments or memories.
So, I am jumping on the bandwagon that many writers in the blogosphere are already on, putting these skills to good use, and making my 30 Before 30 goals. I’m a twenty-something gal who is ready to tackle goals that take years rather than a week.
Looking to make the next few years an adventure, here is my 30 Before 30 (in no particular order):

To stay updated on my progress, check out the 30 Before 30 tab at the top of this blog! 

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