Sunday, January 26, 2014


This past Friday night a few friends joined Rob and I at a annual fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club of the Cedar Valley - That Joker's Thing.  It's a night of auction items, a few awards, and entertainment at Joker's nightclub in Cedar Falls.  This year's headliner was a comedian/hypnotist, and Rob and I volunteered as guinea pigs.
As with most hypnotist shows, only about half of the participants fell under the hosts "spell."  Rob left the stage after he was distracted by me falling onto his shoulder, but I became one of the spectacles for the hour.
I did not react as strongly to some of the situations as others on the stage, but I did hysterically cry when the host told me that I had just run over a kitty with my car, and practically fell off my chair (with my legs spread further apart than I would have liked in front of some area business leaders) as I relaxed on the beach.
We had a great time. I have attended and organized many events like this before, but have never been part of the action.  I was a little nervous that I would make a complete fool of myself, but was pleasantly surprised. Everyone in attendance was just there to have a good laugh and it was a blast to be a part of it. 

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