Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nightstand Makeover

I had some fun with an old nightstand the other day. I didn't really need the drawer space, and was looking to add a little more character to the piece. 

The Steps: 

1. Remove the bottom drawer and the drawer tracks.

2. If you have a base piece on your nightstand, great! If it doesn't (like mine) cut a piece of wood to fit. Since I don't plan to put anything too heavy on mine (and because I don't have access to a table saw), I opted to use some heavy foam presentation board.

3. Purchase self adhesive shelf liner and apply it to the area you want to cover. I was able to score 2 rolls on Amazon for $10 and only used half of one roll for this project.

4. Add whatever decor you wish.  For now, I have the table numbers from my wedding to represent our wedding date.  I think it would be nice to put a small flower arrangement here too.

    A simple furniture makeover idea for just dollars. And the good news is that if I want to use the drawer again, all I would have to do is remove the foam board piece and reattach the drawer tracks!

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