Monday, January 6, 2014

The 52 Week Money Challenge

One of Rob's and my goals in 2014 is saving, and while most of our savings will go straight to the bank, I would like for it to stay top of mind as much as possible.  So, it was perfect when I stumbled on the 52 Week Money Challenge online.

The idea is simple...for every week of the year, you put away that much in dollars.  So, week one you put $1 in the jar, week 20 you put $20 in the jar, and so on! By the end of the year, you should have $1,378 in your jar.  

So, we are taking on the challenge. It is hard to stick to a savings goals when all you really see is a number when you log-in to your online bank account, but with this jar at home we will always have saving on our minds. 

We had a honeymoon savings jar during our engagement, but we found ourselves taking cash out of it just as often as we put it in! Here is hoping we can stick to it this time with a specific savings amount in mind each week!

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