Tuesday, December 10, 2013


'Tis the season for holiday parties with friends! This past weekend could be summed up a ‘Pinterest perfect’ as Rob and I kicked off the weekend with a Wine & Cheese party, and continued the fun at my friend Lindsey’s Ugly Sweater Party on Saturday.

“I haven’t met a cheese I did not like” was the theme of our wine and cheese soirée as 10 of us made our way through 5 pairings of cheese, chocolate and wine.  I opted to keep what wine my guests were drinking a secret until they had tried them all.  It was fun to see what everyone’s favorites were when they did not have a label to go off of.

And of course no party would be complete without lots of appetizers! Homemade pizza rolls, brie/apple/pecan crescent roll bites, fruit Santa’s, and prosciutto wrapped mozzarella were some of the favorites on the menu. However, nothing could compare with the Oreo truffles Ellie made!

Although I was proud of my spread, the real show stopper was Cards Against Humanity.  Brigette brought it along and we all played for at least 3 hours.  Imagine the game Apples to Apples, put an outrageously inappropriate spin on it and you've got Cards Against Humanity... hence the game’s tagline ‘a game for horrible people.’

The next night proved to be another spectacular party! Lindsey planned to impress with her glass ornament cocktail glasses, pinwheel tree, Christmas crunch, and caprese wreath appetizers, among others.

We ate, drank, took pictures, and played with pets in sweaters.  Derek was the obvious win for best dressed and Ryan came in second. Thanks for such a fun night, Lindsey! 

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