Friday, December 6, 2013

Merry Mail

I am always looking for a new craft to make so when the holidays roll around it is an easy excuse for a trip to craft heaven (aka Hobby Lobby) for some supplies for my newest project.

I was inspired by a ‘Merry Mail’ holder I spotted on Pinterest and thought I would take a shot at it. This was super easy to make and will allow me to display holiday cards from family and friends without cluttering the refrigerator!

Step 1: Cut burlap, fabric or ribbon to about 4 inches wide and as long as you think you will need to display all of your anticipated merry mail.

Step 2: Secure wine corks down the center of your ribbon with a hot glue gun.

Step 3: Glue one end of your ribbon to the back of you header (I used a chalkboard). Fold and glue the opposite end of your ribbon under for a finished look.

Step 4: Write ‘Merry Mail’ on your header and hang on a closet door or wall.

Step 5: Display holiday cards with fun push pins. Enjoy! 

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