Monday, December 30, 2013

A Reindeer at SCHEELS

One of my favorite events to date at SCHEELS......a real reindeer in the store!

There are many opportunities to meet Santa throughout the holiday season in the Cedar one of the malls, Holiday Hoopla, at the Christmas tree farm.....but how often to kiddos get the chance to meet one of the famous reindeer?

I started plans for this event in June and couldn't be happier with how well it went.  On a Tuesday night in December, little ones crawled into Santa's sleigh for a free picture, told him their last minute Christmas wishes, and then visited with a reindeer. 

Cruz right before he told Santa "Alright, I'd like to get down now"

While waiting in line, they could write a letter to Santa, pick out a pair of antlers, and learn some facts about reindeer.

Apart from having to crank up the roasted nuts in our coffee shop to mask the smell of our furry friend, and holding a shopping bag for a young girl as she got sick on our run to the bathroom, I'd say it was a huge success! Around 300 children joined in on the fun!

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